« Open letter » de Tassinari à Greenblatt

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Une sympathique actualité  entoure ce vendredi la parution de l’ouvrage de Stephen Greenblatt en français, Will le magnifique (Flammarion 2014) : article très vif de Sollers dans Le Nouvel Obs, un autre de Roger Chartier dans le Monde des livres, ma propre recension, moins louangeuse, sur le site de nonfiction.fr…, font de cette traduction (tardive) un petit événement.

Qu’il soit permis de mettre ceci en regard d’une autre parution, inaperçue des Français, celle du livre de Greenblatt intitulé Shakespeare’s Montaigne qui pourrait constituer une légère auto-critique du précédent. Je donne ici, à titre de commentaire de cette double parution, la « lettre ouverte » que Lamberto Tassinari, le promoteur et le champion de « l’hypothèse Florio » (cf ici même ma recension de son livre John Florio, The Man Who Was Shakespeare) vient de mettre en circulation. Ni son destinataire Stephen Greenblatt, ni aucun représentant du clan des « stratfordiens » n’a jusqu’ici pris la peine de lui répondre.



to Stephen Greenblatt

 You asked me recently why I maintain that I am afraid of you. As usual, I was unable to think of any answer to your question, partly for the very reason that I am afraid of you, and partly because an explanation of the grounds for this fear would mean going into far more details than I could even approximately keep in mind while talking.


Yes, this is the incipit of Kafka’s letter to his father. Why do I quote here this powerful, cruel confession? Because my little letter too is about authority, power, fear and love of art.

You are the indisputable authority of the Shakespearean studies and ipso facto, the keystone of the grand, albeit crumbling Stratfordian edifice. Thirty years ago, when the majority of English literature teachers in schools and universities were traditionally dealing with the romantic image of the isolated, universal genius, you covertly started, to paraphrase the title of Duff Cooper’s book, a “saving sergeant Shakespeare” campaign, a literary operation aimed to sustain the Stratfordian identity of Shakespeare which was in peril. Within a few years, with the contribution of a handful of scholars, you dramatically reshaped the Shakespearean aura in order to save the identity of the author. Your strategy consisted essentially into imagine and portray the “real” world in which Shakespeare, the mystery man, lived and wrote. A diminished Bard emerged from this operation, an almost surreal author candidly described by the critic Harold Bloom in the following terms


… it is as though the creator of scores of major characters and hundreds of frequently vivid minor figures wasted no imaginative energy in inventing a persona for himself. (…) At the very center of the Canon is the least self- conscious and least aggressive of all the major writers we have known


With the new Shakespeare, everything important and meaningful had to be newly imagined, and you were fantastic at that as your 2004 best seller biography Will in the World. How Shakespeare became Shakespeare shows. As a kind of postmodern Fernand Braudel, you knead the history of the English Renaissance you perfectly master with an extraordinary intimate knowledge of Shakespeare’s works, then transplanting the anemic man from Stratford within that historical-literary compound, shamelessly using the glue of the numerous may well’s, could have’s, perhaps’, no doubt’s, evidently’s and likely’s. To perfect your revisionist labour you craftily called your product, Will instead of the canonical William. Such a familiarity with an author considered until recently a god, helped seduce your readers and the media, convincing almost everyone that you had brought to life the real Shakespeare. Thanks to some subtle manipulations, distortions and mainly omissions, the Bard became the impure, plagiarist, collaborative playwright we now know: a perfect, postmodern Shakespeare for the twenty-first century.  Soon though you realized that the downsizing wasn’t sufficiently safe. Indeed, your 2004 Will in The World has several flaws, the more serious and inexcusable is your total lack of consideration of Montaigne’s influence on Shakespeare. Obviously you were aware of Montaigne’s fundamental contribution to modernity and to Shakespeare’s works, but you refused to acknowledge his importance. I strongly believe you did so because admitting the French philosopher’s influence on the plays, would have been too risky a concession for the already shaky Stratfordian mythology. Therefore you decided to name Montaigne only once while referring, quick as a flash, to John Florio:


Born in London, the son of Protestant refugees from Italy, Florio had already published several language manuals, along with a compendium of six thousand Italian proverbs; he would go on to produce an important Italian-English dictionary and a vigorous translation, much used by Shakespeare, of Montaigne’s Essays. Florio became a friend of Ben Jonson, and there is evidence that already in the early 1590s he was a man highly familiar with the theater.(p.227)


Which is a bold statement indeed for Florio albeit with no interpretive consequences on your theory. Of course, none of the thousands Shakespearean critics denounced your omission, not on account of respect or fear of you but because they wanted to avoid a dangerous, internecine war which could have jeopardized the object of your common study and careers. In the years following your biography, the Stratfordian mythology crisis worsened with more attacks from all sides: several books by Oxfordian scholars, the good scholarly reputation earned by Diana Price’s Shakespeare Unorthodox Biography, the Declaration of Reasonable Doubt about the identity of William  Shakespeare, the movie Anonymous, just to mention the more significant blows. There was also, in 2008 and 2009, my book and my website on John Florio, pounding at the periphery of the Shakespearean universe. As your revisionist Shakespeare became a baroque, bizarre writer, an unsatisfactory Bard in the long run, you judged that a bolder sortie was inevitable and in April 2013 you dared to publish Shakespeare’s Montaigne, a dense anthology of John Florio’s translation of Montaigne’s Essays. So, you did jump from zero Montaigne in 2004 to a book on Florio’s Montaigne in 2014: a really dramatic veer! Why?  I believe it was because the postmodern Shakespeare you created was insufficient to stem the growing doubts about Stratford. Omission is your key-tool: in your introduction to Shakespeare’s Montaigne, as well as in Peter Platt’s biographical note, there is no mention of the historical discussion on the Montaigne-Shakespeare rapport, just a hurried admission: “Scholars have seen Montaigne’s fingerprints on many other works by Shakespeare whether in the echoing of words or ideas” . Your readers have the impression that it is a nonconflicting issue as many scholars in the past as now discussed Montaigne’s influence on the Bard. One more omission, particularly nasty, concerns a book traditionally  “censured” by Shakespearean scholars, Shakspere’s (sic) Debt to Montaigne the fundamental 1925 book by George Coffin Taylor who demonstrated ninety years ago the extent and depth of Montaigne’s influence on Shakespeare! Your rapport to John Florio too is, unsurprising, ambiguous as you try to repress what, I suspect, is your persistent, hidden doubt that Florio is more than a translator… Of the Italian Jewish writer you say this: “Montaigne was Florio’s Montaigne. His essays, in their rich Elizabethan idiom and wildly inventive turns of phrase”;  and  “the brilliance of Florio’s achievement”; “[Florio’s] translation seemed to address English readers of Shakespeare’s time with unusual directness and intensity”;  “Shakespeare is mining Florio’s Montaigne not simply for turns of phrase but for key concepts” but at the same time you maintain that “there was a huge gap between them”[ Montaigne and Shakespeare]. Your mind swings over and over as you seem to conclude that there was no real need for Shakespeare to have read Montaigne because they are “two of the greatest writers of the Renaissance” and somehow  telepathically connected, two twin souls!  And again: “But if Montaigne and Shakespeare were diametrically opposites in these and other ways (…) nonetheless there is a whole world that they share.”  Which is a quite ambiguous and confusing position. As for your collaborator Peter Platt, he calls John Florio: the extraordinary Florio.


One fundamental question remains unanswered: which other dramatists of Shakespeare’s time were influenced so profoundly by Florio’s Montaigne? Isn’t it bizarre, that amongst all the Montaigne’s readers in Renaissance England, only the uneducated, untraveled, monolingual Shakespeare bore the marks of the French thinker’s influence?

With John Florio as the true Shakespeare you don’t have to suppose, as you unbelievably do, that Shakespeare looking over Florio’s shoulders read  Florio’s translation  “well before the first printing” in 1603!

Today the sudden landing of Montaigne on your desk, dramatically exposes your personal, private will! What could happen now, professor Greenblatt, should you unearth more of previously undetected or overlooked influences on Shakespeare? What would be the new face of Shakespeare if you would suddenly “discover”, for instance, that Giordano Bruno who spent two years with Florio at the French embassy, has a strong presence in Shakespeare’s work? In your biography Bruno, alike Montaigne, is mentioned only once. You don’t ignore that the strong influence of Giordano Bruno on Shakespeare is hardly a recent discovery. Actually it was demonstrated by a host of scholars, from the German Falkson and the French Bartholmess in 1846 throughout Tschischwitz, König, Carrière, to Sacerdoti and  Gatti-Cox in the 1990s. And what about the powerful influence that all things Italian, language and culture, had on Shakespeare? Lastly, what do you think of the hypothesis advanced by Saul Frampton in 2013 – and recalled by Peter Platt – that John Florio was the editor of the First Folio and authored the Sonnets?

The real purpose of your rushed anthology, I suppose, is to freeze Florio in the role of Shakespeare’s almost involuntary helper. But, remember, in doing so you are just delaying Florio’s revelation. Actually, thanks to your initiative John Florio, until now completely unknown by Shakespeare’s lovers, is exposed worldwide to your readers, becoming the most intriguing figure of the English Renaissance, the closest to Shakespeare! By igniting people’s curiosity you provoke new doubts about the Stratford man and in doing so hasten his vanishing.

How long, professor Greenblatt, till you’ll give us a book on  Shakespeare’s Bruno or, why not, on Shakespeare’s Florio?

Best regards,

Lamberto Tassinari


10 réponses à “« Open letter » de Tassinari à Greenblatt”

  1. Avatar de Detobel Robert

    Cher Professeur Tassinari,
    J’aimerais attirer votre attention sur deux autres grosses erreurs dans le livre de Stephen Greenblatt qui vient d’être traduit en français (il y en a plus, en fait, le livre est infesté d’erreurs). Les deux erreurs suivantes semblent avoir échappé a l’attention de presque tous les commentateurs. Je me base sur la traduction allemande de ce livre, parue simultanément avec l’original en 2004. Mais je suis sûr que le traducteur allemande n’ait pas commis de fautes. Vour pourriez aisément verifier cela dans le texte anglais.
    From Nashe, Strange News, 1593 (edition McKerrow of Nashe’s Works, Vol. II, 209):
    Greene, for dispraising his practice in that kinde [that is, hexametric verses], is the Greene Maister of the blacke Art, the Founder of uglie oaths, the father of misbegotten Infortunatus, the Scrivener of crossbiters, the Patriark of Shifters, &c.
    The Monarch of Crossebiters, the wretched fellowe | Prince of Beggars, Emperour of Shifters, hee had cald him before…”
    Voilà Nashe. Le texte en Italique est en Italique parce que Nashe cite les paroles d’un autre. Cet autre est Gabriel Harvey dans Four Letters, une invective contre Greene (et puis contre Nashe).
    Voici le texte de Gabriel Harvey (Works, edition of 1884 by Alexander B. Grosart, Vol. I ,:
    “he they say, was the Monarch of Crosbiters, and the very Emperour of shifters (p. 168)… his monstrous swearing… (p.168)…his keeping of the foresaid Balls sister, a sorry ragged queane, of whome hee had his base sonne, Infortunatus Greene,…(p. 169)… or shall I say the Prince of Beggars (p. 170)”
    Nashe refers to Harvey’s text (“he [Harvey] had called him before”). Or, Greenblatt pretend que c’était Nashe himself who would have so called his friend Greene. En d’autres mots “le grand et superbe interprète Stephen Greenblatt” s’avère incapable de lire correctement un texte.
    Dans le même context Greenblatt nous raconte que le père de Nashe, un pasteur, aurait eu à porter son fils à la tombe. Nashe mourut en 1600 ou 1601, so père était mort depuis a peu près 15 ans!! Greenblatt, un historien? Ici il n’a rien, absolument rien-d’un-historien.
    Il commet d’autres gaffes. Un exemple encore. Dans chapitre 3 il pretend que le “Book of Common Prayer” fut mis en circulation dans les années 1520. Quiconque a lu une étude d’un historien sérieux (ce que Greenblatt n’est décidément pas), par exemple Christopher Haigh, English Reformations, Oxford, 1993), sur la Réformation en Angleterre ne commettrait jamais une telle erreur grossière. Henri VIII, au fond, était farouchement opposé au Protestantisme, malgré sa rupture avec l’eglise de Rome et le monachisme. En fait, le “Book of Common Prayer” fut publié pour la première fois en 1549 sous Edouard VI.

    Le livre de Greenblatt contient beaucoup de trop “bonbons caramels”. Ce serait peut-être bonne chose de rappeler cela aux aficionados du “Nouvel Obs” et du “Monde des Livres”.

    Robert Detobel

  2. Avatar de Saul

    At last Nashe comes out. Thank you mr Detobel. I appreciate your works a lot, that’s why I would like to have your opinion on Green’s Menaphon and specifically the introduction written by Nashe. Who do you think Nashe is writting about when citing the ‘Italianate pen’ who ‘has mounted in the stage of arrogance’? Hoping to hearing from you soon, Saul Gerevini.

  3. Avatar de Lamberto Tassinari

    Cher Monsieur Detobel,
    Je vous remercie pour ces précisions concernant les ‘grosses fautes’ de Stephen Greenblatt. Cela ne fait que confirmer mon opinion négative de l’historien américain considéré le majeur expert shakespearien du moment. Mais savez, comme nous n’avons pas le même Shakespeare en tête, vous Edward de Vere, moi Giovanni Florio, notre jugement de la conduite de Greenblatt nécessairement diffère. Je me réjouis, vous l’avez lu dans ma lettre ouverte, de la publication du
    «Shakespeare’s Montaigne » car M. Greenblatt met en relief l’importance de Montaigne, c’est-à-dire, de Florio dont le rôle dans la question shakespearienne était jusqu’à présent ignoré à peu près par tous les lecteurs de Shakespeare. Le rapport du comte d’Oxford avec la traduction des « Essais » publiée à peine un an avant sa mort en 1604, pose, par contre, des sérieuses questions.
    Lamberto Tassinari

  4. Avatar de Saul

    Dear prof. Tassinari, in the first edition of your book you wrote that Thomas Nashe was a writer « very close to John Florio ». You exactly wrote, in Italian: « …Thomas Nashe, un uomo di lettere vicinissimo a John Florio », pag 88. This indicates, or at least it suggests, that in your opinion Nashe and J. Florio were friends, or anyway, they share common thoughts as far as the actor Willian Shaksper from Stratford is concerned. Do you still maintain this opinion?

  5. Avatar de Saul

    in this case I invite you to read carefully among the lines of J. Florio’s writings as well as those of Thomas Nashe, to find out that the two were very far away from being friends. In fact Nashe was a wild enemy of J. Florio. If I’m right, how could your vision about Nashe and J. Florio affect your Shakespeare’s authorship conception? I can demonstrate that Robert Greene, a close Friend of Nashe, was targeting Florio in his Groatsworth when he writes about that « absolute Johannes Factotum » that thinks to be the only Shake-scene in a country. In this case my proves are not the kind of supposition that are being spread around by many, but sound and detectable signs in the texts of Shakespeare’s time. Signs that you too missed to notice. Saul Gerevini.

    1. Avatar de Daniel Bougnoux

      Dear Saul, I know too little about these issues, I leave the answer to Lamberto, but I dont
      think it spoils his thesis in any way. Best regards
      Daniel Bougnoux

  6. Avatar de Lamberto Tassinari

    Amis ou ennemis, cher Gerevini, Nashe et Florio faisaient partie des mêmes cercles littéraires (vicinissimi). De toute façon ta démonstration ne change rien au fait que Shakespeare soit « il nome d’arte di John Florio ». Si avec Nashe tu crois avoir la solution d’un problème central de la question shakespearienne, annonce-le donc à la communauté universitaire ! Pas à moi, je n’ai rien à discuter avec toi.
    Lamberto Tassinari

  7. Avatar de Saul

    Dear Daniel, I’ll let you have an abstract of my reserches as an answer to Tassinari, who obviously doesn’t know anything about the quarrel between Nashe and Florio. The two DID NOT belong to the same literary environment, as the same J. Florio declares just in the World Of Words. It suffices to read carefully it to find J. Florio’s words about it. As far as the academic community is concerned, well they are given to my studies a great attention and consideration (in a short time it will be evident what I’m sustaining, probably before the end of this year) because they realized that my ideas are not suppositions but can be proved. Unfortunately my proves destroy (among many others, like Greenblat) what Tassinari writes about the Shakespeare’s authorship problem, this is why he does not want to talk to me: too challenging for him. Well, having said that, you, dear Daniel, will have my considerations about Nashe and Florio in a short time. Saul Gerevini.

    1. Avatar de Daniel Bougnoux

      OK Saul, I am looking forward to read carefully your thesis, as the quarrel between you and Tassinari is not obvious or crystal-clear to me, at this very moment !

  8. Avatar de corrado panzieri
    corrado panzieri

    Saul Gerevini con la sua « lettera aperta » a Tassinari e a Greenblatt ha lanciato una sfida per aprire tra gli storici e i letterati una riflessione obiettiva e seria sulla cosiddetta « authorship » sulle opere della drammaturgia fin quì attribuita a William Shaakespeare. Ora gli studiosi si attendono che il docente di Harward produca le prove sulla credibilità delle affermazioni contenute nei lavori pubblicati da Greenblatt.

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  • Ce blog pour y consigner mes impressions de lecteur, de spectateur et de « citoyen concerné ». Souvent ému par des œuvres ou des auteurs qui passent inaperçus, ou que j’aurai plaisir à défendre ; assez souvent aussi indigné par le bruit médiatique entretenu autour d’œuvres médiocres, ou de baudruches que je…

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  • Daniel Bougnoux, professeur émérite à l’Université Stendhal de Grenoble, est ancien élève de l’ENS et agrégé de philosophie. Il a enseigné la littérature, puis les sciences de la communication, disciplines dans lesquelles il a publié une douzaine d’ouvrages.

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